I changed my life with Life Design Formula:
now, I want my house to look like the new me!
Karoline Huenergardt
Program Assistant, Health Services


Do It Yourself, at your pace

PDF workbook online for each module

Download checklists for each room

Online Videos for each module

Private Facebook Page

Weekly email inspiration

$397. one time payment for the DIY Make Space for the Life of Your Dreams Course, with no coaching: 

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What's In The Course?

Module #1 Bedrooms | Closets | Bathrooms

For Health & Relationships, we need to clear out the master bedroom, the closet and the bath. Do you want love? Learn how to make space for it. Do you want great social relationships and never be late again because you have nothing to wear? Clean out the closet.Are you after vibrant health? Clean out the bathroom. There’s no fluff here, just highly actionable content.

Module #2 Front Door | Kitchen | Family Room

Do you want prosperity and abundance? Are you convinced that will happen if you save everything – just in case? Keeping broken things, things you don’t use, or doubles and triples of things, defeat the purpose. Instead, share the bounty you have. In this course you will learn things that you will use for the rest of your life. Real life, practical actionable guidance.

Module #3 Computer | Office | Attic | Basement | Garage

Check your intention as you clear each space. What does your home office mean to you? Weed out your paper files and scan the important ones to your computer. Make the foundation of your home, your basement, clean and bright. Organize and clean the attic and store your car - better resale - in the garage. Learning isn’t something that happens overnight. That’s why this course includes video and guidance and checklists with every lesson, helping you remember the important stuff.

Do you love it? Do you use it? No? It is probably clutter. Gather your five super, inexpensive tools and armed with intention for what you want in each space, get to work. Watch the videos and use your checklists.

Transformation This work is ongoing and you will develop a habit of periodically weeding out and clearing your space of everything you don't need or love. The clarity you achieve will allow everything you want to fall into place with ease and harmony.

Want to buy the Course and do it all yourself? Hit this yellow button below and get instant access. DIY at your own pace, $397.

get started today
Karoline Huenergardt

I am so much happier. I don't even know how to say it, I'm all choked up. I never would have done any of this without this class.

I love my new job. My honey loves that I come home from work and I'm not depressed and drained.

I am looking at what we did to our homes in this class in a very different way now. I want my home to match the new me.

Karoline Huenergardt
Program Assistant for Health Services
Debbie Burton

The gratitude portion of this course and the personality discovery tools let this panther out of its cage! I have given myself permission to stop hiding behind anyone and be completely who I am.

Yes, I feel it, there is something different behind my eyes. And I am getting so many kudos and love and appreciation in my work.

I'm a changed woman!

Debbie Burton
Business Coach | SEO Expert