Hi, I'm Adria

. . .and I'm The Organizer Bunny. In 2004, I founded and managed a construction/remodeling company and began my business, Organizer Bunny. My work and clutter clearing certification with master teacher Denise Linn began many years ago,  when I began studying her work in 1995.

How did I start this journey? I traveled the world and had an award-winning, international, opera and musical theater career. Decades later, I walked off stage, burnt out and tired.

Who was I now, what was my purpose? Why was I here? My healing and my answers lay in my first love, my spiritual foundation. Reading through opening night notes from colleagues, I realized there were a few lines about the role I was doing, and the rest was about how I changed their lives. My re-connection had begun.

To listen, I became a coach. To learn, I became a teacher. I built a ladder out of my burnout and depression. I began writing books and asking myself, "What next?"  I knew I had to clear out the old and make space for a new life. Organizer Bunny helped that clearing and many clients later, the principles of clarity and beauty continue to guide my life and bring joy and satisfaction to my clients.

Organizer Bunny is ready to work with you to clear space for the life of your dreams.